This document describes the installation of Slash'EM with an X11 interface.

There are no explicit UNIX dependencies in this code, but we have only
tested it under UNIX, using X11R4, X11R5, or X11R6.  We have two reports
that the code also works under DesqView/X on MS-DOS with djgpp, but you
will have to add dependencies for the X code to that makefile before you
can use it.  Other X11R4+ platforms may work as well, with some tweaking
likely.  Follow WIN* in sys/unix/Makefile.src for compilation hints.

(If you try to compile it with X11R3 or earlier, you will get many errors,
starting with complaints about XtPointer not being declared.  If you get
around the compilation problems, you will still need a recent library of
Athena Widgets to link against.  Once compiled, you can probably run it
under an R3 X server, though.)

The reason this uses the Athena widget set is that the Athena widgets come
free from MIT (like X11).  Unfortunately, the companies that resell X11
(value subtracted er, added software; yea, yea, that's the ticket) usually
discourage its use by either omitting the set or putting it on the
"unsupported" portion of their tape.  If you do not have the Athena
widgets, you may obtain them via anonymous ftp from

To use this code, define X11_GRAPHICS in include/config.h.  (You can comment
out TTY_GRAPHICS or change DEFAULT_WINDOW_SYS if you want to, but there's
little reason to do so.  The X11 version almost requires a config file
for full effect, so you can just as well set windowtype there; also, you
or someone else might just possibly be stuck in a situation where you can't
use the X version -- over a non-blindingly-fast modem, say.)  You may also
want to define USE_XPM, GRAPHIC_TOMBSTONE as discussed below.

In src/Makefile, add $(WINX11SRC), $(WINX11OBJ), and $(WINX11LIB) to
WINSRC, WINOBJ, and WINLIB respectively, and compile.  This will give you
an executable supporting both X11 and tty windowing.

If you want to use the optional tiles (multicolored pictures instead of a
replacement font), you will need to have the win/share files and change
the CF_SHARE_DATND setting in the top Makefile to contain the tile files before
you do your 'make all'. Include x11tiles for the 16x16 tile set and x11bigtiles
for the 32x32 set. The available tile sets should be defined in the
configuration file. The tiles option can then be used to select the initial
tile set or unset to use ASCII characters. See win/x11/slashem.rc and
the Guidebook for more information.

When using tiles, you have the option of defining USE_XPM in config.h.
This causes Slash'EM to use the XPM file format for the "x11(big)tiles" file
rather than a custom format.  Since the XPM format can be processed by
existing tools such as PBMPlus and XV, you can modify the tiles to suit
your environment.  For example, you may magnify them for display on
high-resolution screens using the following command:
    xpmtoppm x11tiles | pnmscale -xscale 1 -yscale 1.6875 |
        pnmdepth 255 | ppmquant 100 | ppmtoxpm >x11tiles_big.xpm
To use XPM, you must have the free XPM libraries installed in your system.
Official xpm releases can be found by ftp on:       (  contrib/libraries     (Boston, USA)  (  pub/xpm     (Sophia Antipolis, France)
If you do choose to define USE_XPM, be sure to add "-lXpm" to WINX11LIB
in src/Makefile.

If you define USE_XPM in config.h, you may also define GRAPHIC_TOMBSTONE
which causes the closing tombstone to be displayed from the image file
specified by the "tombstone" X resource (rip.xpm by default).  In this
case, make sure the top Makefile CF_SHARE_X11ND also contains rip.xpm.

Whether or not you install tile support, you can provide support for
special graphics symbols via alternate fonts.  (The fonts and tiles
cannot be used at the same time, but the same executable handles both.)
The two included X11 fonts use the general Slash'EM map area remapping
to represent object/dungeon/trap/effect characters (see win/X11/slashem.rc
and the Guidebook) as monocolored symbols and monsters as monocolored
letters.  For instance, a ruby potion will show up as a potion symbol in
red.  It's easier to see the difference between fonts and tiles than to
describe it. :-)  Unless you are the only one using your executable and
you already know which you prefer, we suggest installing the optional files
for both possibilities and letting each person decide for themselves.

To use the included fonts, you will need to install one or both of them
and then use the symbol mappings found in slashem.rc.  The fonts are found
in nh10.bdf and ibm.bdf.  You first need to convert the bdf files to whatever
form your X11 server recognizes (usually using a command called bdftosnf
for R4 servers or bdftopcf for R5 servers).  Then run mkfontdir on the
directory containing your font files (you might want to copy them to GAMEDIR,
from the top Makefile, after you've done "make install").  If these commands
aren't familiar, talk to your local X11 guru and read the man pages.
Finally, add that directory to your font search path (e.g. xset fp+ GAMEDIR,
setting GAMEDIR to the value of GAMEDIR in the top Makefile).  Alternatively,
you (assuming you are a system administrator) can install the fonts in your
standard X11 font directory.  If you do not install the fonts in the standard
X11 font directory, all persons playing nethack must add that "xset fp+"
command to their .xinitrc file, or whatever file they execute when starting
X11.  Adding the "xset" command to the is also an alternative,
though it may clutter your X11 font search path after playing several games,
so this method is not recommended.  See the note below for the alternative
installation procedure for Sun's OpenWindows.

If you're using file areas, then the fonts can go in any sensible directory.
FILE_AREA_SHARE is suggested for pcf fonts and FILE_AREA_UNSHARE for snf fonts.

If your X11 include files and libraries are not installed in a standard
place (i.e. /usr/include/X11 and /usr/lib respectively) you will need to
prepend an appropriate -I parameter to CFLAGS and a
-L parameter to LFLAGS, setting  to the place to
find the include and library files for X11.

Finally, you should also install the file as SlashEM in the
normal X11 applications defaults directory.  Alternatively, each person
may append the contents of this file to their .Xdefaults file.  A second
alternative is copy to SlashEM in GAMEDIR (or FILE_AREA_SHARE)
(from the top Makefile) and add a line to specifying this
additional applications defaults directory:
(Replace $HACKDIR with the value of FILE_AREA_SHARE if appropriate.)

Three icon suggestions to the window manager are supported:  nh72, nh56,
and nh32.  Data for them comes from the source files nh72icon, nh56icon,
and nh32icon; they are compiled into the program via #includes in winX.c.
Selection between them is controlled by the "icon" resource in;
the default is nh72.

Sorry, an Imakefile is not included.  Unlike many X11 programs, X11
support is only a small, optional, part of nethack, and the Makefile is
needed for systems that don't use X11.

Notes for Sun's OpenWindows:
    1.	For OpenWindows 3.0 (NOT 2.x), define OPENWINBUG in include/unixconf.h.
	The library bug from SunOS 4.1.x is fixed in Solaris 2.x (or when
	proper Sun patches have been applied to 4.1.x), so it is also
	unnecessary there.  (Defining it when unnecessary causes the same
	problem being avoided when it is necessary. :-)

    2.  In addition to the changes suggested by the comments in src/Makefile,

	-- for OpenWindows 2.x and 3.0 (NOT 3.1) (i.e., versions for SunOS 4.x),
	   add -I/usr/openwin/include to CFLAGS, -L/usr/openwin/lib to LFLAGS,
	   and -lm to WINX11LIB in src/Makefile.

	-- for OpenWindows 3.1 (i.e., versions for Solaris 2.x), add
	   -I/usr/openwin/include to CFLAGS, -L/usr/openwin/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib
	   -R/usr/openwin/lib to LFLAGS, and -lsocket -lnsl -lm
	   to WINX11LIB in src/Makefile.

	(Naturally, if your OpenWindows is installed elsewhere, adapt the
	openwin paths.)  This will allow you to create a game executable.

    3.	Run the fonts through convertfont and run bldfamily on the directory.
	Now you must let your X server know where to find the fonts.  For a
	personal installation, the simplest thing is to include the directory
	of the fonts in the environment variable FONTPATH, as set in your
	.profile or .login before starting the server.  For a multi-user
	installation, you have the various "xset fp+" options outlined
	above for standard X.

    4.  Something must still be done with the file -- all three
	of the possibilities mentioned for standard X11 should work.

Notes for AIX 3.2:
    1.  AIX 3.2 includes the Athena Widget Toolkit library (and other things)
	under the /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples tree, so you will have to add
	-L/usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/lib to LFLAGS.  If you can't find libXaw.a on
	your first build, go into /usr/lib/X11/Xamples, read the README file,
	and build the library.

Notes for XFree86 - (on linux and BSD386 platforms)

    1.  Edit src/Makefile for linux/BSD386. Even though you use the 
	Open Look Window manager, do not define OPENWINBUG.  Use the 
	standard X11 object and library options.

    2.  Follow the standard installation directions defined above.

File				Description
---------	---------------------------------------------------------------
slashem.rc	- A sample configuration file for fonts nh10 and ibm.
nh10.bdf	- A modified version of the 10x20 standard font.
ibm.bdf		- A modified version of one of the ibm (8x14) nethack font.
		  Must be used in conjunction with or slashem.rc.
nh32icon	- A 32x32 icon bitmap for use with window managers.
nh56icon	- A 56x56 icon bitmap for use with window managers.
nh72icon	- A 72x72 icon bitmap for use with window managers.
nh_icon.xpm	- A color icon for use with window managers.	- A sample .Xdefaults for a color screen.
Window.c	- A bare-bones widget that has 16 colors and a drawing canvas.
		- Defines for the X window-port.
win*.c		- Code for the X window-port
dialogs.c	- A better dialog widget.  Original code (modified slightly
		  by Dean Luick) distributed under the X copyright by Tim
		  Theisen.  This is from his Ghostview program (which is under
		  the GNU public license, v2 or higher).
pet_mark.xbm	- A pet indicator bitmap for tiles.
rip.xpm		- A graphical tombstone.
tile2x11.c	- Converts win/share tiles for X11 use.