Techniques spoiler for Slash'EM 6E4. Compiled for 6E0F1 by Jake Kesinger Updated by J. Ali Harlow Last modified 17 August 2001. Air dash Monk 1 Move two squares in the given direction. Notes: - Bumping into walls, doors and boulders will hurt. - Bumping into monsters will wake them. - Technique is reuseable after 25 to 74 turns (random). Restrictions: - You must be carrying your ball, if punished. - Doesn't work if you are trapped (including by monsters). Berserk Barbarian 1 Lycanthrope 10 ``You fly into a berserk rage!'' Active for d(2,8)+TECHLEVEL/5+2. Fast while active. +4 to damage. +2 to hit. Blessing Priest 1 Blesses an object. Timeout is rn1(1000,500)-10*TECHLEVEL. Blink Hobbit 1 ``You feel the flow of time slow to a crawl.'' Lasts rnd(TECHLEVEL/10+1)+2. Gives you extra moves while it lasts. Calm Steed Yeoman 1 When riding, ``[steed] gets tamer.'' Makes steed more tame. If not riding, ``Your technique is only effective when riding a monster.'' Chained blitz Monk 1 The chained blitz technique is a method of chaining a sequence of other techniques together, all taking place in one turn. Performing a chain blitz takes 10 energy points. The following techniques can be chained: Chi strike (starter). Command "LLDDR" or "LLDDRDR". Dash (starter). Command "RR" or "LL". Elemental fist (starter). Command "UURRDDL" or "URURRDDLDL". Power surge (starter). Command "DDRRDDRR" or "DRDRDRDR". Pummel (chain). Command "LRL" or "RLR". Giant slam (finisher). Command "DDDD". Spirit bomb (finisher). Command "DUDUUDDD". A chain sequence consists of one or more starter techniques, followed by one or more chain techniques and optionally terminated by one finisher technique. Many techniques have two alternative commands which both have the same meaning. These are referred to as command 1 and command 2 in this spoiler. These commands are interchangeable but sometimes one of them is illegal at a particular point in a chain and the other must be used instead. See below for the restrictions which apply. After selecting the chain blitz technique, you will first be asked for the direction in which to perform the blitz. Then (after a help screen detailing your currently available commands) you will be asked for the blitz command. Each manoeuver in the chain you wish to perform must be entered using your normal movement keys with the following meanings: Direction Manoeuver North U North-East RU East R South-East RD South D South-West LD West L North-West LU Up < Down > Notes: - Technique is reuseable after 500 to 1499 turns (random). - "<" and ">" aren't used in any commands (yet?). - Typing North-East is exactly the same as typing East followed by North (but not the other way around!) and so on. - There is no feedback while you are entering the commands which makes it very easy to make mistakes. - End the blitz command with a period ('.'). - You can cancel a blitz command at any time before entering a period with the Esc key. There is no penalty for doing this. Restrictions: - You must be unarmed and not holding a shield. - You must already know a technique in order to include it in a chain. - You cannot repeat the same command twice in a row (but you can follow command 1 of a technique with command 2 and continue alternating). - Chi strike 1 can't be followed by power surge 2 (alias chi strike 2). - Dash 2 can't be followed by power surge 1 (alias chi strike 1). - The maximum number of techniques in a chain is: technique level 2 + --------------- up to an absolute maximum of 5. 10 Chi Healing Monk 4 ``You direct your internal energy to restoring your body!'' Increases HP, and decreases spell points, by 2*TECHLEVEL+4. Chi Strike Monk 1 Must have at least one spell point. ``You feel energy surge through your hands!'' Lasts for TECHLEVEL+4. When attacking, ``You feel a surge of force.'' If your spell points are more than 10+YOURLEVEL/5, increase damage (and decrease spell points) by this amount. Otherwise increase damage by remaining spell points and decrease spell points to zero. Critical Strike Rogue 1 Target must be seen. If you attack yourself, ``You decide against that idea.'' When attacking, ``You strike [monster's] vital organs!'' If non-humanoid, damage is MONHP/4+TECHLEVEL. ``You are hampered by the differences in anatomy.'' Otherwise, damage is MONHP/2+TECHLEVEL. Cutthroat Rogue 15 Target must be seen, and have a head (but see below). You must be wielding a bladed weapon. If you attack yourself, ``Things may be going badly, but that's extreme.'' You can't be swallowed (but see below). If rn2(5)= 11 100 - Dazzled monsters are frozen for d10 turns. - Technique is reuseable after 25 to 74 turns (random). Restrictions: - You must not be blind. - Your victim must have eyes and be able to see. Disarm On becoming skilled with a weapon. You must be wielding a weapon in which you are skilled, and be able to see your opponent. Your opponent must be wielding a non-cursed weapon. num=rn2(TECHLEVEL+15)*(WEAPSKILL-P_SKILL+1)/10. It appears that you have a (num-1)-in-num chance of knocking the weapon to the floor. Otherwise, you have a 24-in-25 chance of grabbing the weapon. Otherwise, you take damage from the weapon. Draw Energy Wizard 3 Flame Mage 5 Ice Mage 5 Monk 8 Must not be at energy capacity. ``You begin drawing energy from your surroundings!'' Increases energy. Extra energy from altars, thrones, clouds, trees, lava, ice, air, moat, water, fountains, sinks. Toilets can increase or decrease energy, and graves decrease. Elemental Fist Monk 6 ``You focus the powers of the elements into your hand[s].'' +d(2,4) damage. Monster is hit with fire, cold, acid, or electricity. Standard effects of these (e.g. exploding rings) apply. Eviscerate Lycanthrope 1 Must be (a) empty handed and (b) in human form. ``Your fingernails extend into claws!'' when activated. Aggravate monster. Timeout of rn1(1000,1000). ``Strength'' is d(2,4)+TECHLEVEL/5+2. If ``Strength'' is larger than 5, you get 4 hits, otherwise ``Strength'' -2. mon->mfrozen has an equal number. (?) Monster is stunned. ``You begin slashing monsters with your claws.'' when attacking. Extra damage of YOURLEVEL/2+rnd(YOURLEVEL/2+1). Ground slam Monk 10 The ground slam technique is a normal attacking move followed by hurling the opponent down to the ground. If the surface beneath the monster is suitable then the force of the blow forms a pit there [there are a number of bugs here - eg., lava, artifact doors, fountains, sinks etc. are all not dealt with correctly]. technique level The monster takes 5 + d6 + --------------- hp damage. 2 The damage done is doubled if a pit was formed. Notes: - Technique is reuseable after 500 to 1499 turns (random). - If you are engulfed by a monster then the technique will act just like an ordinary attack move. - On the air and water planes, you still hurl the opponent down, but since there is no surface to hit this has no effect. - If a monster which hits the surface was wielding a corpse then it will touch the corpse as it falls, which may cause stoning. Restrictions: - You must be unarmed and not holding a shield. Healing Hands Knight 1 ``A warm glow spreads through your body!'' If slimed, ``The slime is removed.'' [And it is]. If not sick, HP increased by 4*TECHLEVEL (up to max). If sick, ``You lay your hands on the foul sickness...'' and it is removed. Kiii Samurai 1 ``You scream "KIIILLL!"'' Aggravate monster. Lasts for rnd(TECHLEVEL/6+1)+2. +4 to hit. +2 damage. Liquid Leap Doppleganger 1 Lets you move TECHLEVEL+19 squares. Must be horizontal, vertical, or 45 degree diagonal. Cannot leap into rock, or onto boulders or closed doors. ``You liquify!'' Escape bear traps, pits, webs, lava, and floors (?). Anything in your path is affected by acid, for d(2,4)+ rn2(TECHLEVEL/5+1) HP of damage. ``You reform!'' Missile Flurry Ranger 1 ``Your (gloved|bare) hand[s] become blurs as they reach for your quiver.'' Lasts for rnd(TECHLEVEL/6+1)+2. Increases multishot by one. When firing, reads ``You let fly a volley of [whatever].'' Power surge Monk 20 Necromancer 10 Wizard 5 Flame mage 3 Ice mage 12 Temporary boost to your maximum energy (power) of 50 + 2 * (technique level) for the same number of turns. Your current energy is also raised to the new maximum. Notes: - Technique is reuseable after 500 to 1499 turns (random). - Energy (and energy max) reduces by one for every turn technique is active (down to a minimum of 0 and 1, respectively). Restrictions: - You must be in your normal form (ie., not polymorphed). Primal Roar Caveman 1 ``You let out a bloodcurling [sic] roar!'' Aggravate monsters. Double damage against non-tame monsters. (?) Lasts for d(2,6)+TECHLEVEL+2. Makes you fast. Tame monsters within 5 squares are temporarily polymorphed into next higher monster. i.e. little dogs become dogs, baby dragons become dragons, etc. Pummel Monk 1 Pummel is a complicated technique which has four opportunities for hitting an opponent (who must be adjacent to you). At each of the four points in the technique where a blow can be made there is a chance of getting it wrong (at which point the technique ends). There is no message given for lost blows. Even if you make a blow the defender still has the normal chance of defending against it (ie., you can hit or miss as normal). The chance of you getting it wrong at each point varies with the technique level and gives the following probabilities for the total number of blows made: +-----------------------------------------+ | Technique level | +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Number of blows | 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 0 | 54% | 49% | 41% | 34% | 27% | 20% | 13% | | 1 | 25% | 25% | 24% | 23% | 20% | 16% | 11% | | 2 | 11% | 13% | 14% | 15% | 14% | 13% | 10% | | 3 | 5% | 7% | 8% | 10% | 10% | 10% | 9% | | 4 | 4% | 7% | 12% | 19% | 28% | 41% | 58% | +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Average # blows |0.81 |0.98 |1.25 |1.56 |1.93 |2.36 |2.87 | +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ Notes: - Technique is reuseable after 500 to 1499 turns (random). Restrictions: - You must be unarmed and not holding a shield. Rage Eruption Dwarf 1 Must not be polymorphed. ``You feel the anger inside you erupt!'' Length is Max HP+10*TECHLEVEL. Max HP increased by Length. HP, and Max HP, decrease by 1 each turn. Raise Zombies Necromancer 1 ``You chant the ancient curse...'' Corpses within 3 units, if possible, are re-animated into zombies or other undead. There's a chance of the undead being made tame or angry. NOTE: There's a bug in 6E0F1 regarding the message. Reinforce Memory Flame Mage 1 Ice Mage 1 Necromancer 1 Wizard 1 ``You concentrate...'' If spellknow() is <=0, ``You are unable to focus your memory of the spell.'' If spellknow() is <=1000, ``You focus and reinforce your memory of the spell.'' Exercise WIS, increase spell timeout. Otherwise, ``You know that spell quite well already.'' Research Archaeologist 1 Identifies possessions. Succeeds if INT+WIS