Name: grid bug
Difficulty: 1
Base level: 0
Base experience: 4
Speed: 12
Base AC: 9
Base MR: 0
Alignment: 0
Frequency: Rare, normally appears in small groups
Genocidable: Yes
    Zaps with electricity for 1d1
Weight: 15
Nutritional value: 10 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: tiny
Resistances: electricity, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

A grid bug has an animal body.

These electronically based creatures are not native to this universe. They appear to come from a world whose laws of motion are radically different from ours. Tron looked to his mate and pilot. "I'm going to check on the beam connection, Yori. You two can keep a watch out for grid bugs." Tron paced forward along the slender catwalk that still seemed awfully insubstantial to Flynn, though he knew it to be amazingly sturdy. He gazed after Tron, asking himself what in the world a grid bug was, and hoping that the beam connection-- to which he'd given no thought whatsoever until this moment-- was healthy and sound."

Tron, novel by Brian Daley, story by Steven Lisberger