Name: Yeenoghu
Difficulty: 31
Base level: 25
Base experience: 1058
Speed: 18
Base AC: -5
Base MR: 80
Alignment: -15
Frequency: unique, only in Gehennom, no random generation
Genocidable: No
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 3d6
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d8
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 1d6
    Magical missiles: 2d6 if at a distance, else (level/2+1)d6
Weight: 900
Nutritional value: 500 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: large
Resistances: fire, poison
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Yeenoghu can fly/float. He can see invisible creatures. He is poisonous if eaten.

Yeenoghu, the demon lord of gnolls, still exists although all his followers have been wiped off the face of the earth. He casts magic projectiles at those close to him, and a mere gaze into his piercing eyes may hopelessly confuse the battle-weary adventurer.