Name: Lord Surtur
Difficulty: 19
Base level: 15
Base experience: 485
Speed: 12
Base AC: 2
Base MR: 50
Alignment: 12
Frequency: unique, no random generation
Genocidable: No
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d10
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d10
    Steals the amulet etc.
Weight: 2250
Nutritional value: 850
Size: huge
Resistances: fire
Resistances conveyed by eating: fire

Lord Surtur is humanoid. He is an omnivore.

Yet first was the world in the southern region, which was named Muspell; it is light and hot; that region is glowing and burning, and impassable to such as are outlanders and have not their holdings there. He who sits there at the land's-end, to defend the land, is called Surtr; he brandishes a flaming sword, and at the end of the world he shall go forth and harry, and overcome all the gods, and burn all the world with fire.
The Prose Edda, by Snorri Sturluson