Name: King Arthur
Difficulty: 22
Base level: 20
Base experience: 580
Speed: 12
Base AC: 0
Base MR: 40
Alignment: 20
Frequency: unique, no random generation
Genocidable: No
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 1d6
Weight: 1450
Nutritional value: 400
Size: medium
Resistances: None
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

King Arthur is humanoid. He is an omnivore.

Ector took both his sons to the church before which the anvil had been placed. There, standing before the anvil, he commanded Kay: "Put the sword back into the steel if you really think the throne is yours!" But the sword glanced off the steel. "Now it is your turn", Ector said facing Arthur.

The young man lifted the sword and thrust with both arms; the blade whizzed through the air with a flash and drilled the metal as if it were mere butter. Ector and Kay dropped to their knees before Arthur.

"Why, father and brother, do you bow before me?", Arthur asked with wonder in his voice.

"Because now I know for sure that you are the king, not only by birth but also by law", Ector said. "You are no son of mine nor are you Kay's brother. Immediately after your birth, Merlin the Wise brought you to me to be raised safely. And though it was me that named you Arthur when you were baptized, you are really the son of brave king Uther Pendragon and queen Igraine..."

And after these words, the lord rose and went to see the arch- bishop to impart to him what had passed.

Van Gouden Tijden Zingen de Harpen, by Vladimir Hulpach, Emanuel Frynta, and Vackav Cibula